July 4, 2017
Philadelphia, Pa.—Independence Day is meant to commemorate America’s securing its independence from the world’s then-unrivaled power, Great Britain; only after eight long years of war did the new nation secure its economic independence from the inferior colonial status imposed by England.
However, James A. Stuber asserts that America has let that independence slip away, and unwittingly become the victim of a new, self-imposed “reverse colonialism,” reliant on countries like China for manufactured goods, while exporting raw materials, farm goods, and scrap.
In his new book, What If Things Were Made in America Again: How Consumers Can Rebuild the Middle Class by Buying Things Made in American Communities (Current Affairs Press), Stuber recounts how, with its newly won status as a sovereign nation, the United States secured its borders and set the terms of trade, intentionally building up its domestic manufacturing capabilities. Stuber describes how, after 150 years, the U.S. then set out on the road of free trade following World War II, with disastrous results, first during the era of Japan and free trade, and then the era of China and globalization. In just the last 30 years, by Stuber’s count, the U.S. sent $16 trillion and six million jobs offshore.
Meanwhile, Stuber says, this dependence on other countries has led to dependency at home, as individuals, families, and communities have suffered the loss of their economic base, losses that have outweighed any gains from lower prices. The future, he says, portends more of the same. Moreover, America is becoming dependent on foreign sources for strategic goods such as steel and electronics.
Fortunately, consumers have the power to solve the problem, as Stuber describes in his book’s last chapter.
About James Stuber
James A. Stuber is an attorney and entrepreneur and formerly served as legislative assistant to a member of the United States House of Representatives. He holds a law degree from Georgetown University and a bachelor’s and master’s degree in political science from the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University, respectively. Stuber lives in Berwyn, Pa., with his wife Susan and their four children. Building upon this book, he founded Made in America Again, a movement of consumers dedicated to rebuilding the American middle class by buying things made in American communities.
Contact: James Stuber
(610) 608-5074